Marcial: Epigramas, Libro I, III: A mi libro

Fuente Wikipedia: The Joshua Roll is an illuminated manuscript, probably of the 10th century, created in the Byzantine empire, according to many scholars by artists of the Imperial workshops in Constantinople. It is in the Vatican Library. The Roll portrays the Old Testament Book of Joshua using a reduced version of the Septuagint text. It depicts the first 12 chapters, when Joshua was engaged in frequent and successful conquest.



III: A mi libro.

Argiletanas mavis habitare tabernas,
Cum tibi, parve liber, scrinia nostra vacent.
Nescis, heu, nescis dominae fastidia Romae:
Crede mihi, nimium Martia turba sapit.
Maiores nusquam rhonchi: iuvenesque senesque
Et pueri nasum rhinocerotis habent.
Audieris cum grande sophos, dum basia iactas,
Ibis ab excusso missus in astra sago.
Sed tu ne totiens domini patiare lituras
Neve notet lusus tristis harundo tuos,
Aetherias, lascive, cupis volitare per auras:
I, fuge; sed poteras tutior esse domi.


Tu prefieres vivir en las tiendas del Arguileto, pobre libro mío, cuando mis cofres están vacíos sin ti. ¡Ay! No conoces, no conoces los desprecios de la dominante Roma. Créeme, el populacho de Marte sabe demasiado. Nunca verás gruñones mayores: ya sean jóvenes, viejos y hasta los niños tienen nariz de rinoceronte. Al mismo tiempo que oyes: ¡gran genio! y mientras saludas con besos, serán manteado y lanzado a las estrellas. Pero tú, para no aguantar tantas correcciones de tu amo o para que el bastón no note tus tristes juegos, deseas, atrevido, volar por etéreos vientos. ¡Anda, escapa! Pero podías estar más seguro en casa.
Argiletanas tabernas: en el Argileto abundaban las tiendas dedicadas a la venta de volumenes o libros. Es decir era el barrio de los libreros
nasum rhinocerotis: expresión que indica el espíritu crítico y peleón


Scrinium: caja, cofre para libros // a case, chest, box, book-box, letter-case, desk, escritoire
Vaco: estar vacío // to be empty, be void, be vacant, be without, not to contain
Fastidium: desprecio, desdén, aversión, desagrado // nausea, squeamishness, loathing, distaste, aversion
Sapio: probar, testar // to taste of, smack of, savor of, have a flavor of
Sophos: sabio // a wise man
Grande: pesadamente // loudly
excutio: golpear, sacudir // to shake out, shake off, cast out, drive out, send forth
Sagum: manto // a coarse woollen blanket, rough mantle
Patior: soportar // to bear, support, undergo, suffer, endure
Litura: corrección // a smearing on a writing tablet, blotting out, erasure, correction
Harundo: bastón, caña // a reed, cane
Lusus: juego // a playing, play, game


raducción al inglés:

Tomado de esta página:

III. THE AUTHOR TO HIS BOOK.You prefer, little book, to dwell in the shops in the Argiletum,1 though my book-case has plenty of room for you. You are ignorant, alas! you are ignorant of the fastidiousness of Rome, the mistress of the world; the sons of Man, believe me, are much too critical. Nowhere are there louder sneers; young men and old, and even boys, have the nose of the rhinoceros.2 After you have heard a loud "Bravo!" and are expecting kisses, you will go, tossed to the skies, from the jerked toga.3 Yet, that you may not so often suffer the corrections of your master, and that his relentless pen may not so often mark your vagaries, you desire, frolicsome little book, to fly through the air of heaven. Go, fly; but you would have been safer at home.1 An open place, or square, in Rome, where tradesmen had shops.2 Have great powers of ridicule, which the Romans often expressed by turning up or wrinkling the nose.3 People will take you into their lap, and then jerk you out of it, as if you were tossed in a blanket


M. Valerii Martilais Epigrammata, Paraphrasi et Notis Variorum Selectissimis, ad usum Serenissimi Delphini, interpretatus est Vincentius Collesso, J. C. Numismatibus, Historias atque ritus illustrantibus, exornavit, Lud. Smids, M.D.
Amstelaedami, apud G. Gallet, Praefectum Typographiae Huguetanorum, MDCCI
Bibliblioteca Nacional

O libelle, magis tibi placet degere in officinis Argilentanis, cum capse ne____ tibi pateant. Non conoscis, heu non congnoscis despientiam Romae dominae: mihi fidem adhibe, Martis populus sagacior est. Nullibi majores sunt irrisiones adolescentes, decrepiti, pueri ipsi habent nasum rhinocerotis. Cum auscultaveris grande sophos, dum ambis osculationes, in aërem jactaberis sagulo exagitato. At tu ne toties subeas emendationes heri tui, et ne [p.24]calamus severus animadvetas in tuos jocos. O proterve expetis volare per regiones aëris: abi, fuge, at peteras esse securior domi.
Argiletanas: Argiletum locus erat Romae in quo erant bibliopolia.
Dominae Romae: hoc est Romanorum rerum Dominorum, qui te excipient veluti domini suos servos.
Martia turba: Mars pater Romuli fingitur, a quo originem duxerunt Romani. Vide Plutarchum in Romulo.
Ronch.: Ronchus est sonus nasi qui fit sterrendo, quo judicium fastidiosum intelligit Poëta.
Et pueri nasum: His verbis significat etiam pueros Romae irridere et carpere auctorum scripta. Cornu rhinocerotis quod appellat nasum, fortissimum nempe ut acerrimum ostendat judicium. Vide lib. Spectac. Epig. 9 Plin. Lib. II, cap. 57 Et altior homini tantum, quem novi mores subdolae irrisioni dicavere, nasus. Nasus irrisioni dicatus est. Vide epig. 2. Lib. 13.
Grande sophos: σοφῶς sapienter. Erat frequentissima acclamatio eorum qui recitantis scripta laudabant. Vide epig. 50. Infra. Mercetur alius grande et insanum sophos.
Basia captas: approbaitones. Nam osculabantur antiqui quos recitantes probaverant. Vide epig. 77. Infra.
Ibis ab excusso: Suetionius in Othone cap. 2 Ferebatur et vagari noctibus solitus: atque invalidum quemque obviorum, vel potulentum corripere: ac distento sago impositum in sublime jactare. Gallicè berner.
Tristis arundo: Quod censura omnis severa fit et tetrica, ex arundine vero praesertim Aegyptia fiebant calami scriptorii. Vide epig. 38. Lib. 14.